Last year, Samsung announced it is working on XR experiences with Google and Qualcomm. A few days ago, Samsung unveiled its first XR headset that is internally named ‘Project Moohan.' Now, ahead of launch of Samsung's AR glasses, Meta is planning to offer a massive upgrade to Ray-Ban Smart Glasses.
Meta's Ray-Ban Smart Glasses to get a display to compete with Samsung AR glasses
The current-generation Ray-Ban Smart Glasses from Meta don't have a display. Everything you do on the glasses need should be done through voice commands and gestures. However, according to a report from Financial Times, Meta is planning to equip the next-generation Ray-Ban Smart Glasses with a display.
These upgraded smart glasses will reportedly be launched as soon as next year. More specifically, the next-generation Ray-Ban Smart Glasses could launch in the second half of 2025. The display will reportedly be used for notifications and responses from Meta AI.
A few months ago, Meta showcased its prototype smart glasses with a display. Internally called ‘Project Orion,' these smart glasses feature a projector display that projects content in the user's field of view. However, the technology was said to be too expensive to launch right now.
The new report implies that Meta could bring a less advanced version of Project Orion's display technology in its upcoming smart glasses.
All of this comes right after Google and Samsung showcased Android XR and the first headset running the new operating system. Samsung could launch its first XR headset in the second half of 2025 followed by smart AR glasses.
Now that Apple, Meta, and Samsung are in the XR glasses and headset market, it would be interesting to see how each of these brands improve their devices in the coming years and which company emerges as the leader of the market.
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