The Galaxy A71 has started receiving the July 2021 security update earlier today. Namely, Samsung’s newest security patch level, labeled as the release A715FXXU5BUF5, is now making its way to compatible devices in Mexico. The rollout hasn’t yet expanded beyond Central America but that’s likely going to happen in a matter of days, if not sooner.
After all, the July 1st, 2021 security update has been rolling out all across the globe for nearly a month by now. And as these things usually go, Samsung is ramping up momentum with every passing day. The Galaxy A71 is hence the 46th device to join this month’s rollout, but it’s far from the last. For context, the June 2021 security patch level is currently available on over four times as many devices.
This month’s security update should be landing on your Galaxy A71 in a matter of days, if not sooner
In other words, you won’t need to remain patient for much longer before this update reaches your trusty smartphone. But just in case you’re super eager to get going and would even be willing to install the new software manually, our firmware archives are at your disposal, as always. Before you do that, however, see if you can get lucky enough to trigger an OTA download by simply going to Settings > Software update > Download and install.
Base on the previous update’s deployment roadmap, we’d wager a guess that Galaxy A71 units in Europe and Asia will be next in line to pick up the July patch. In that order, and without any further dilly-dallying, mind you.
The post The show goes on: Galaxy A71 joins the July 2021 security update party appeared first on SamMobile.
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