Samsung’s unusual Galaxy F smartphone series is here to stay and a new model called the Galaxy F62 will be unveiled in India in just a couple of weeks, reveals the local media. The phone will reportedly go on sale for under INR 25,000 ($343), which sounds like great value for a device that’s expected to ship with a generous 7,000mAh battery and a flagship-grade Exynos chipset.
The Galaxy F62 will reportedly hit the Indian market in mid-February, though no exact date was revealed, and it will probably hit the shelves through retail partner Flipkart on a limited-time exclusivity. Financing options and/or early adopter bonuses should be revealed soon.
Monstrous battery and flagship-grade SoC
Early benchmarks have previously revealed that the Galaxy F62 will be powered by the Exynos 9825 chipset, which is the same solution that was employed by the Galaxy Note 10 series in late 2019. The new report further confirms this detail and reveals that the Galaxy F62 will also be one of Samsung’s few phones (so far) to boast a massive 7,000mAh battery. Fast charging speeds are unknown but we’re probably looking at 15W.
The Galaxy F62 will be joined on the market by the Galaxy F12, though launch details for the latter model are missing. It’s possible that both will be released around the same date, with the Galaxy F12 arriving as a much more cost-effective alternative.
The post Galaxy F62 battery specs and pricing emerge before mid-February debut appeared first on SamMobile.
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