The Galaxy A31 has received a couple of discounts in India, just a month after it was launched in the country. The A31 now has an instant cashback of INR 1000 attached to it, which brings its effective price down to INR 20,999. Those who own an ICICI credit card can get an additional INR 1000 cashback, but only if they buy the phone on an installment plan.
The Galaxy A31 is still a costly proposition in India, since the Samsung also sells the more aggressively priced Galaxy M21 (review) and M31 (review) in the country, but the discounts should make the phone more palatable for prospective customers. The discounts are already in effect on and Samsung’s official store, and we assume the same offers are available in offline stores as well.
As we noted in our review, the Galaxy A31 is a good phone for those who aren’t into gaming. It has plenty of attractive features, like a Super AMOLED display, an in-display fingerprint sensor, four rear cameras, a 5,000 mAh battery, 128 gigs of storage, and the latest Samsung One UI software out of the box. It also has a beautiful design that matches that of the Galaxy A51, which is a few thousand rupees costlier.
The post Samsung India discounts the Galaxy A31 appeared first on SamMobile.
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