The Galaxy M21 was launched in India in March, and the pricing of the phone started from INR 12,999. However, after the Indian government hiked taxes (GST) on smartphones in the country last month, Samsung had to increase the pricing of its devices accordingly, including the Galaxy M21. Now, the pricing of the mid-range device has been dropped again.
Samsung has dropped the price of the 64GB variant of the Galaxy M21 from INR 14,222 to INR 13,199. The price of the 128GB variant of the phone has been decreased from INR 16,499 to INR 15,499. The phone will be available for purchase from once the COVID-19 lockdown in India ends in the next few days.
The Galaxy M21 features a 6.4-inch Super AMOLED Infinity-U display with Full HD resolution and a 20MP front-facing camera. At the rear, the phone has a 48MP+8MP+5MP triple-camera setup as well as a capacitive fingerprint reader. A 6000mAh battery powers the phone, and there’s support for 15W fast wired charging.
The phone runs Android 10 with One UI 2.0 and is equipped with the Exynos 9611 processor, 4GB/6GB RAM, 64GB/128GB storage, and a microSD card slot. The Galaxy M21 features a dual-SIM card slot, LTE, Wi-Fi b/g/n/ac, Bluetooth 5.0, USB Type-C port, and a 3.5mm headphone jack. The phone also features Dolby Atmos audio and Face Unlock, and it comes in two colors: Black and Blue.
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