With the Gear S3, Samsung finally opened up its smartwatch platform to non-Galaxy Android devices, later bringing support for the watch to the iPhone. But the Gear S3 works best when paired with a Galaxy device, and Samsung has published a list today which reveals how its latest smartwatch works with Android devices from other manufacturers and with the iPhone.
As we had noted in our experience of using the Gear S3 with the iPhone 7, the watch’s functionality is severely limited on Apple’s flagship, and things haven’t improved since then, no doubt because of Apple’s tightfisted control over iOS. Non-Samsung Android devices fare much better, only missing out on some functionality in messaging, calling, and email, while getting full functionality even with Samsung Pay. The next Gear S smartwatch will hopefully bring full support for all Android devices; for now, go ahead and check out Samsung’s official list below.
from SamMobile http://ift.tt/2px9F3t